الترم الاول science الصف الاول الاعدادي
أولى إعدادي Lesson2| Periodic table |Part 2/3
unit 1
تمهيدي Part 1/2
تمهيدي Part 2/2
Lesson 1 | Atomic structure |Part 1
Lesson1|Symbols of elements Part 2/3
Electronic Configuration Lesson 1 | Part 3/3|
Lesson2| Periodic table |Part 1/3
Lesson2| Periodic table |Part 2/3
Lesson2| Periodic table |Part 3/3
Lesson3| Matter properties| Classifying of substances |Part 1/2
October revision | Unit 1 revision | Part 1/1|
Unit 1 Lesson3 | Physical and chemical properties | Part 2/2
Lesson4 | Chemical Bonds | Part 1/2